Flood Risk America Protects a Yacht Club’s Mechanical Equipment From Extensive Damage

Often, property owners prioritize protecting the perimeter of their buildings - and understandably so. Investing in measures such as flood barriers provides peace of mind when a flood event is imminent.

While these measures are undoubtedly important, they sometimes overshadow the equally critical need to protect the internal machinery and equipment housed within the property.

At Flood Risk America, we recently demonstrated the significance of protecting not only the external structure but also the internal mechanical equipment of properties.

Protecting a Yacht Club’s Mechanical Systems

We are proud of how we were able to prevent costly damages to a prestigious Yacht Club, where we protected crucial mechanical equipment. Our flood experts recognized the vulnerability of the club's mechanical equipment to potential flood damage.

Situated in a coastal area prone to storm surges and tidal flooding, the Yacht Club's mechanical systems were at risk of extensive and costly damages, which could disrupt services and incur substantial repair costs.

We proposed a solution that went beyond exterior defenses. Central to our strategy was the installation of flood panels specifically designed and customized to shield the Yacht Club's mechanical equipment from flood waters.

These flood panels, constructed from durable materials and custom-fitted to the dimensions of the equipment, formed a robust barrier against floodwaters, effectively creating a watertight seal for vulnerable access points and preserving the integrity of the machinery.

What Flood Panels Can Protect

What many people aren’t aware of is that flood panels can be installed not just on doors and windows, but around equipment as well. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Equipment boxes
  • HVAC systems
  • Electrical equipment
  • Gas station pumps

Additionally, because flood panels are tailored to the building, they can be installed on even the smallest openings, including (but not limited to):

  • Vents
  • Stairwells
  • Hatchways
  • Loading docks
  • Crawl space openings
  • Elevator shafts
  • Sewage openings
  • Access points for filtration systems

By effectively sealing these openings and protecting equipment, property owners can fortify their defense against flood damages.

Protecting Mechanical Equipment and Mechanical Rooms Against Flooding

Creating a strong flood barrier outside of the building is important, but what happens if water somehow seeps into the building? The significance of protecting internal mechanical equipment cannot be overstated.

Electrical components exposed to water can lead to:

  • Irreparable damage
  • Costly replacements
  • System failures
  • Safety hazards
  • Contamination
  • Dangerous health risks
  • Operational disruptions

By safeguarding mechanical equipment with customized flood panels, property owners mitigate all of the above and more. Flood Risk America's collaboration with the prestigious Yacht Club serves as an excellent example of the importance of comprehensive and professional flood protection strategies.

The Present & Future of Flood Prevention

Traditional flood prevention methods have often relied heavily on physical products such as levees, dams, and flood walls to mitigate the impact of rising water levels. However, in today's rapidly changing climate landscape, there's a growing recognition that proactive measures are needed.

This includes collaborating with flood consultants in the early stages of construction projects to integrate and implement flood protection strategies from the outset. By incorporating flood prevention measures directly into the design and construction of buildings and infrastructure, property owners can better protect the building against the increasing frequency and intensity of flooding events.

This proactive approach not only enhances resilience but also minimizes the reliance on reactive measures after the damage has occurred, saving the property and resources in the long term.