5 Tips to Safeguard Your Property During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is just around the corner, and this year’s forecast is looking to be a very active one. While we cannot control the weather, we can take proactive measures to safeguard our properties and minimize the amount of damages that flooding can bring.

In this guide, we'll explore various strategies to protect your property, including the latest in flood protection measures from Flood Risk America.

1. Assess Your Property

Before hurricane season arrives, walk through the entirety of your property to:

  • Identify vulnerabilities, including examining the structure, landscaping, and surrounding environment
  • Look for weak points in the structure such as loose roof tiles, weakened foundations, or old windows and doors that may not withstand strong winds
  • Identify areas prone to flooding, such as low-lying areas, nearby bodies of water, or areas with poor drainage systems
  • Assess the condition of essential utilities like electricity, water supply, and gas lines
  • Determine if any upgrades or reinforcements are necessary to prevent damage during a storm

Conducting an assessment of the property in relation to flooding can be difficult without the expertise of a flood professional. Common questions include: How do I know what areas are vulnerable to flooding? What’s the best way to protect my property? This is where a comprehensive flood risk analysis is beneficial. 

A flood risk analysis involves a look at factors such as topography, historical flood data, and infrastructure vulnerability. By leveraging advanced technology and expertise, we can generate a report outlining flood-prone areas, projected flood scenarios, and recommendations for mitigation measures. 

2. Reinforce Important Structures

A structurally sound property can be the difference between minimal flood damage vs hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. After conducting a complete property assessment: 

  • Strengthen weak points in the structure by reinforcing roofs, windows, doors, and garage doors
  • Ensure that the foundation is secure by inspecting for cracks or weaknesses and repairing them promptly
  • Trim trees and remove dead branches that could become projectiles during high winds
  • Inspect your roof for loose or damaged shingles, and repair any issues promptly

3. Protect Utilities

Floodwaters can seep into electrical systems, causing short circuits, power outages, and even fires. To prevent this, electrical utilities must be safeguarded through various measures:

  • Elevate electrical equipment above flood levels
  • Install flood barriers
  • Seal entry points

Most electrical equipment are on the ground floor of properties, and it’s a challenge to elevate them above flood levels - even in newer builds with flood construction in mind. 

Using flood panels is a highly effective method to protect electrical equipment from the damaging effects of flooding. Flood protection boxes are designed to create a watertight seal, custom-made to fit seamlessly around the specific dimensions and requirements of the electrical equipment, ensuring optimal protection. 

At Flood Risk America, we provide flood protection boxes for electrical equipment, including ones that require ventilation. 

4. Invest in Strong Flood Prevention Products

The traditional flood mitigation methods of using sandbags and wooden barriers to protect against flooding are increasingly recognized as inadequate and outdated. While these methods may provide some level of protection, they are often labor-intensive, time-consuming, and ultimately ineffective in the face of severe flooding. 

Flood panels are modern flood prevention solutions. These panels are specifically engineered to withstand the impact of flooding, providing a durable and reliable barrier against rising waters. 

Constructed from robust materials designed to resist water infiltration and corrosion, flood panels offer a more efficient and effective means of flood protection, reducing the risk of damage to property and infrastructure. 

FRA flood panels provide versatility and are used for many openings and areas, including:

  • Exterior & interior doors
  • Windows
  • Mechanical rooms
  • Driveways
  • Storefronts
  • Loading docks, and more

5. Create an Emergency Preparedness Plan

Having an emergency preparedness plan ensures that everyone knows what they need to do and where they need to be when an impending storm is on the horizon. Here are some of the most important steps to include:

  • Stay informed about weather updates and evacuation orders through local news channels, weather apps, or emergency alerts
  • Develop a safe meeting point for employees in case of evacuation orders
  • Charge all devices, including phones and laptops
  • Assign specific people to deploy flood protection products and to secure outdoor items
  • Have a list of emergency contacts available and easy to access
  • Protect important documents such as identification, insurance policies, and property deeds
  • Check emergency kits and ensure it contains necessary items such as medication, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, and water

In conclusion, protecting your property during hurricane season requires careful planning and proactive measures. By implementing the strategies outlined above, including the utilization of flood protection measures, you can minimize damage and ensure the safety of your property and its occupants when faced with the destructive forces of nature.