Residential Floodproofing products for your home

Protect your home against flood with FRA floodproofing services

Flood Risk America is a Florida manufacture of FEMA approved flood protection products. We have licensed engineers and architectures, including over 30 years experience with floodproofing properties. Our flood protection products are lightweight and tough enough that our core component is used in the haul of an icebreaker and marine vessels. We believe training and education is important, so we provide our clients flood deployment training and safety plans, which helps our clients to understand deployment time and critical areas to protect first.

Flood Risk America can help you understand your vulnerability to storm surge flooding with our flood mapping and modeling using LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging Technology) which helps us to determine the height needed for your proposed flood protection products.

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What is "Floodproofing"?

Floodproofing is defined by FEMA as “any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents” (Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] § 59.1). “Floodproofing” is understood to refer to dry floodproofing. “Dry floodproofing” means a combination of measures that make a building and attendant utilities and equipment watertight and substantially impermeable to floodwater, with structural components having the capacity to resist flood loads (FEMA, 2021).

The tools needed to install most of FRA Flood Protection Products include power tools for drilling holes to set the anchors into the side openings and ground for the panel to be placed. Once the FRA Floodproofing Product are placed against the holes where the anchors are set, we use our tool-less system (FRA Easy-Turn knobs) to secure the floodproofing Products in place. By simply turning the knob, the panels tightly seal against the opening or uneven surface. This is a key feature when deploying a flood protection device, making deployment time much faster.

Some of the different residential dry floodproofing measures we can provide include:

  • FRA Flood Panels
  • FRA Equipment Protection
  • FRA Drain Covers
  • FRA Compression Panels for Glass Openings
  • FRA Protection Boxes
  • Wind-Driven Hail Protection
  • Water-filled Flood Barriers
  • Waterproofing interior and exterior using our non-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) spray and roll-on finish
Learn about our products

Residential Floodproofing tailored to your home's needs

Each property is different and requires expertise in determining which product and service works best for you when floodproofing your home. Our certified, trained floodproofing specialists understand the importance of helping you to understand your risk and determine a solution capable of protecting your investments. All of our products are made and manufactured in America.

We have our own team specialized in creating custom flood products designed specifically for your property. Our products are light-weight, come with a lifetime warranty, cost-effective, and built to withstand 13,000 PSI. We have color options to match the decor of your home while strong enough to protect you and your family from hurricane force winds and water.