Luxury Real Estate Flood Protection

Flooding can be prevented. Protect your investment with effective flood protection.

Flood Risk America is the trusted expert in the industry for smart flood protection solutions. With over 20 years of experience, we have curated and tested the most effective preventative measure to protect your property.

Luxury real estate flood protection efficiency and accuracy have become increasingly important with weather changes causing increased storm surges, hurricanes, and floods over the past decade. At Flood Risk America, we use only the latest LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging Technology) flood mapping technology providing a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data. This information will provide an accurate flood elevation allowing us to customize a plan for your flood protection. Often flood maps and flood zone determinations are outdated, with inaccurate information. Not only are you at risk for flooding, but your insurance rates may also be bloated with unnecessary factors. Our flood maps are FEMA approved and insurance-industry recognized gaining you the security knowing your property is protected and the potential to save thousands on your insurance premiums.

Contact Flood Risk America

Flood protection for vulnerable coastal property.

Vulnerable to flooding, coastal property often experiences king tides, heavy rains, tropical storms, and hurricane events. Without proper flood protection barriers in place, your property can quickly become flooded with water causing costly damages. Flood Risk America provides lightweight, and easy-to-install flood barrier systems guaranteed to protect your property from coastal flooding. Made in the USA, the FRA flood panels are made with marine-grade, corrosion-resistant material, the same impressive material used on the ice-breaker marine vessels. Weighing less than 5 pounds PSF, the FRA flood panels can be installed by anyone in approximately 7 minutes.

Our flood panels create a sealed barrier and can stand up to 170mph force winds. We custom fabricate each panel to create the perfect fit and use stainless steel anchors securing the panels in place. The FRA flood panels can protect any large opening, garage door, glass wall, elevator, patio, and much more. FRA flood panels come with a lifetime warranty.

If you own coastal property, routine analysis of your flood map and flood protection plan is recommended.

Luxury Resort and Golf Course Protection

Luxury resort compounds and golf courses often have extensive damages after a tropical storm or hurricane event. With water seeping into the lower elevations of your property, the task to create a barrier against the water seems impossible. In the past, property owners turned to traditional sandbags, creating a wall to direct the flow of water away from our property. Now, industry innovators have created the water-filled flood barrier. Cost-effective and environmentally friendly, Flood Risk America’s water-filled flood barriers can be installed in minutes without heavy labor.

Water-filled flood barriers are recommended for larger properties with the ability to span a large area without the need for individual panels. Water-filled flood barriers come with a 5-year warranty.

Water-filled Flood Barriers

Luxury real estate construction flood protection planning

When developing a new luxury real estate project, understanding the architectural regulations and insurance benefits with your flood protection plan can be complicated. Flood Risk America provides construction consulting services to help your team navigate and understand your property’s flood risk and how you can make architectural changes for prevention. This permanent prevention can have dramatic effects on your insurance premiums saving you thousands.

The flood prevention experts at Flood Risk America have the skills, knowledge, and technology to review your construction plans and help you understand the flood protection regulations for your area. Many owners feel secure knowing they are not near a body of water, however low elevation and flat plain areas can easily flood with consistent rain storms when there is not proper drainage in place. Creating a plan for water drainage or fabricated drainage covers is important to protect your property from water seeping upwards damage your property.