Avoid Flood Exposure to Your Elevators and Essential Equipment

Consequences of flooding on elevators and valuable assets can devastate a facility’s ability to function and can also cause loss of business and interruption to both the clients and owners. In various instances, many facilities could not function for long durations because essential equipment was placed in basements, sub-basements, or ground floor levels that flooded. In some cases, components of vital systems were elevated well above the floodwaters, while other elements such as transformers, transfer switches, fuel tanks, pumps, etc., were placed at lower levels, leaving them susceptible to flooding and the elevators and essential equipment in the control rooms and other places were then rendered inoperative.

Our vulnerability assessments provide information and recommendations to improve the functionality of critical facilities by preventing flood exposure to elevators and valuable assets. These assessments describe how essential equipment must be protected from flooding to allow a critical facility to perform its primary function during and after a flood event. Flood Risk America and Flood Risk Canada will help you identify vulnerabilities in essential facility systems and equipment using our comprehensive flood mitigation approach.

Benefits of Our Vulnerability Assessments:

·     Reduction to the vulnerability, damage, and disruption of operations during severe

      flood events

·     Remain operational during and after a major disaster

·     Education on code requirements and FEMA recommendations

·     Customized mitigation plan for protection of essential systems and equipment

·     Designed mitigation plan to account for loss of power

·     Provision of new construction flood code requirements

·     Flood assessment including the investigation of historical flooding on specific
