Flooding to any building can cause extensive damage, but elevators tend to be the most susceptible because the pits of the elevators are usually one of the lowest points in a building, giving rise to floodwaters. Some insurance companies will not even pay the entire claim if the client fails to send the elevator cab to the second level, leaving not only the elevator, but also the building and businesses out of service. To address this issue, Flood Risk America launched a three-step elevator and control room flood prevention program.
Firstly, we identify the exact location that is prone to flooding by analyzing low points of elevation around the building.
The second step includes 24/7 flood forecasting and monitoring. Clients will receive alerts on current water level activity 24 hours before the storm. If flooding would happen to occur, the flood sensory system, which is mounted in both the elevator shaft and control rooms, notifies Flood Risk America’s monitoring center and our clients in real-time via email or text, and sends the elevators up to the next highest floor.
If a storm is to occur, the third step of the protection program includes dispatching the flood prevention team to the location 24 hours before the storm to employ our flood barriers and flood panels. The flood panel uses our patented flood seal technology, protecting both the elevators and control rooms from rising floodwater. Each panel is specifically designed to create a customized fit.