EZ Flood Panels Save National Real Estate Developer $93,000 on their Flood Insurance Premiums.

Save money on your insurance premiums with Flood Risk America EZ Flood Panels

Flood Risk America leveraged their specialized team of engineers to perform a flood risk assessment on the client’s property and collaborated with their flood insurance carrier to save them $93,000 by installing the EZ Flood Panel on their building.

·      Cost of the annual flood insurance premium: $135,000

·      Premium Eliminated: $93,000

·      New Annual Flood Insurance Premium: $42,000

The EZ Flood Panel is the Only flood panel that is certified to provide flood insurance credits. If you are paying high flood insurance premiums and have high flood deductibles, take the opportunity to have Flood Risk America perform a flood risk assessment on your properties to help reduce your flood insurance rates, while protecting your property from having a flood loss.